Return to School Update from Superintendent John Fattal

Monday, July 20, 2020

Dear Cavalier Community, 

I know many of you have been waiting (you have no idea how much your patience and understanding is appreciated!!) for our “return to school” plans if we continue to be in Phase 4 (or in any of the other phases). 

We plan to have options for those who need/want to have their children in school face to face, and options for those who would feel it’s better to keep their children at home (100% online).

No matter what phase we are in, I can promise you the following: Our staff loves our students like they’re our own! We will do everything we can to keep them safe. We will do everything we can within the law to provide “normal” experiences like field trips, recess, etc. We will do everything we can to challenge our students academically. We will do everything we can to help with their social development. 

Here is a summary of the process we have been and will be following:

  1. Work with our administrators on the draft plans/templates. 

  2. Share the plans and receive feedback from staff, parents and students.

  3. Make any necessary adjustments and finalize the plans for Board approval (per law) before school starts on August 20.

  4. Survey all parents to finalize whether they will be returning face to face or 100% online

We are hoping to have the plans ready for review no later than Friday, July 31.  Virtual meetings will be scheduled after that time to provide opportunities for feedback.  Families will be notified via our app, social media, and email regarding the times of these meetings.  

I ask for continued patience from you. Rest assured we are keeping your child’s well-being, safety, and educational growth at the forefront of all our decision making.

If you are interested in learning more about the state’s mandated items in each phase, please click on the following link: MI Safe Schools Return to School Roadmap.  

You will hear from me again soon.


Superintendent John Fattal