Downtown Corunna

Because of Covid-19, the city has not been able to find volunteers to put up the light post garland in downtown Corunna. As a result, the Corunna Rotary Club and Corunna Public Schools are stepping up to organize volunteers to help at 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 16. We are looking for teams of two (2) to work together and decorate no more than 10 light poles per team.

 If we can find 10 teams of two (2) people per team, we estimate to have the entire town finished in two (2) hours. The more teams we have, the fewer poles we will need to have assigned; the time commitment and workload will obviously be less the more teams we have.

     Here are the particulars:

  • Who: Any teams of two (2); Could be father/son, mother/daughter, best friends, husband/wife, work friend, etc.
  • What: Teams of two (2) will place the garland on the city’s light poles
  • When: 4 p.m., Wednesday, December 16
  • Where: The staging area will be the west end of McCurdy Park
  • Why: To show Cavalier community spirit, lend a helping hand, and set a great example for our students.

Sign up using this form (click on the link), bring a step ladder, dress warm, and be ready to have fun hanging garland, and show

your community spirit.